
Mathura ke Aloo (Spicy potato curry from mathura)

Mathura ke dubki wale aloo is a spicy potato dish served in a city called Mathura in India.  When we…

3 March 2018

Sprouted Moth Bean (Vigna Aconitifolia) Curry in the Instant Pot

Moth bean are called Vigna aconitifolia. They are drought-resistant and grow in arid and semi-arid regions of India.  It is…

24 January 2018

Fresh Kenyan Beans curry in the Instant Pot

I am loving experimenting with my recipes in the Instant Pot and still can't believe how quick some of the…

18 December 2016

Cauliflower and Broccoli Curry with Cashew Nuts

Cauliflower and broccoli are vegetables I usually just boil and serve with western style dishes such as cannelloni or vegetable…

16 December 2016

Pooris/puris with spinach

In a Gujarati home whenever we have unexpected guests, puri (or poori) and a quick potato curry is rustled up…

7 December 2016

Shrikand using Mascarpone Cheese, Double Cream and Quark

Shrikand is a sweet Dish made with yogurt and always served chilled.  It is often served with pooris. It is…

1 December 2016

Six Vegan Recipes for World Vegan Day

Today is World Vegan Day. According to Wikipedia, World Vegan day is an annual event celebrated by vegans around the…

1 November 2016

Basic kitchen equipment required for Indian cooking

Today’s challenge by Darren Rowse on the ProBlogger Challenge Group was to create a List Post Some people are very…

2 August 2016

Spicy Stuffed Puri (Besan wali puri)

The credit for this recipe goes to Chef Harpal who comes on a TV show called Turban Tadka.  I loved…

2 July 2015

Carrot and Green Chilies Salad/Pickle with Mustard (Raita gajar marcha)

This dish is made in all Indian homes and served as a condiment with the main meal. It adds to…

11 February 2015