About me

Mina JoshiOne of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.

– Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright, Pavarotti, My Own Story

Pavarotti was so right. Food is something we can never do without! We all love eating and I hope that you will like my style of cooking.

My blog is aimed at people who have never cooked  food and also at the modern young boys and girls starting out in life and wishing to learn to cook.  I spend a lot of time trying out my recipes, photographing them at each step and my aim is to explain the cooking process in as much detail as I can. During the time I got interested in cooking, there weren’t a lot of cookery books available for vegetarian Indian cooking. My parents were both good cooks. My dad was a self-taught chef and used to cater at Indian weddings in Kenya. My father-in-law too was a chef from Tanzania, and I learnt a lot of traditional cooking by watching both my dads cook. I was always asking them for recipes and tips. They shared a lot of their cooking “tricks” with me. I am still a traditional cook and love sharing my East African, Indian and Anglicised vegetarian recipes with my friends.

My blog features quick and easy time saving vegetarian and vegan  recipes but also includes the authentic traditional recipes as I feel that some of the old fashioned dishes will never be made if no one passes on the recipes.

When I started this blog, I hadn’t even dreamt that so many people would be reading it.  I owe the success of my blog to all of you who visit it regularly. I also owe the success of this blog to other bloggers who give me encouraging comments and introduced me to their circle of friends and family.

Cooking is only fun if you can share what you cook with people you enjoy being with. I feel very blessed that my family are very supportive of my hobby.

Please look through my blog and if you find any recipes interesting, try them out and make them to your taste by adding your favourite herbs and spices. Experiment with different foods and have fun!  Do drop me an email (givemesomespice@gmail.com) to let me know how it turned out.

Since January 2014, I have been teaching vegetarian and vegan Indian cookery to adults and my blog includes some of the fun we have cooking in my class on the cook at home with Mina page.

2020 was an eventful year when the Covid19 pandemic changed the way everyone worked and behaved.  As face to face classes became impossible, I started teaching online using Zoom or Teams.  More information about my online classes is in this Post.  It was a real proud moment for me when the local paper wrote about me and my online Cookery classes.  You can read the article here

I am now back to teaching privately as well as in local Colleges. Do get in touch if you want to join my Cookery Classes.

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