Can be made Vegan

Bread Pakoras

The first time I ate bread pakoras was when a friend invited me for a meal at a Gurudwara in…

15 May 2022

5 Vegetarian Finger Foods you have to try

Cutting out the meat does not mean skimping out on flavour, and these six vegetarian finger foods can definitely prove…

9 May 2022

Apple salad with sweet and sour dressing

Every week, we buy a lot of fruit and often apples get eaten quickly as they are so easy to…

6 March 2022

6 Great Snacks Every Vegetarian Must Try

Most carnivores out there have the impression that turning vegetarian or vegan means you basically eat rabbit food. They genuinely…

2 March 2022

Shrikand with Whipped Cream

Shrikand is one of those easy to make desserts which can be eaten as a snack or served as a…

17 February 2022

Nutty bars with Protein Powder and Jaggery

My sister and I loved jugu pak  when we were kids.  Jugu Pak  is very similar to the peanut brittle…

16 February 2022

Choco-nut Energy Bars

For years and years, every time I picked up a recipe card or saw a nice recipe in a magazine,…

13 February 2022

Pasta Arrabiatta

Whenever, I eat out and order a pasta dish. I like to order pasta Arrabiatta as I know that the…

2 February 2022

Best places to visit for amazing vegetarian and vegan food

Vegetarians and vegans are find it a  challenge when  eating out whilst on holiday.   I know I got fed up…

30 January 2022

Tortillas filled with stir fried spicy potato mixture

Are you bored eating the same old sandwiches?  Do you fancy something spicy and tasty for your lunch? Well, Tortilla…

7 January 2022