
Planning your meals

So how many of you have these questions in your mind when you get home or you get asked them…

7 August 2016

Basic kitchen equipment required for Indian cooking

Today’s challenge by Darren Rowse on the ProBlogger Challenge Group was to create a List Post Some people are very…

2 August 2016

Plain Paratha

Different Indian breads like chappatis, parathas and bhakhris are always included in our meals. My favourite are the stuffed parathas.…

11 September 2015

Mixed Vegetable and chick peas jalfrezi

Jalfrezi Curry is a name which I hear a lot in UK and most Indian restaurants serve a form of Jalfrezi curry.…

28 July 2015

Lemon Cucumber Raita

My colleague is a keen gardener and is always surprising us with fruits and vegetables from his half acre garden…

28 August 2014

Tadka Dall

Who doesn't love a good dall? We make dalls regularly as they are so healthy and also quick to make.…

14 March 2014

Alu Paratha or Indian Stuffed Potato fried bread Cookery class

I love stuffed alu paratha and can have them for my main meal or breakfast. Hot or cold -  give…

6 February 2014

Orange Flavoured Paneer Stuffed in Parathas

 My sons  loves paneer so this recipe was created at their request.  They asked me to flavour the paneer using…

8 December 2013

Rolled porathas, Parathas – Varela poratha

Most Indian food is accompanied by rice or Indian breads like chappatis, puris, naan, parathas etc.  I learned how to…

19 August 2011

Punjabi Pizza or Stuffed Paratha

I have just realised who commands the Daily menu in my kitchen!! It's my children as I  always worry if…

13 February 2011