
Quick and Nutritious Salad Recipes

Eating well doesn't have to be time-consuming or complicated. These five salad recipes are your ticket to a quick, nutritious…

27 March 2024

How to Make Sure You’re Getting the Right Type of Plant Proteins

Some people may worry about getting enough protein on a plant-based diet, especially if they are active or otherwise have…

30 May 2023

Fun Vegetarian Snack Ideas

If you are planning a gaming night, why not select from the following six snacks to complete the fun? Some…

2 May 2022

Shrikand with Whipped Cream

Shrikand is one of those easy to make desserts which can be eaten as a snack or served as a…

17 February 2022

ZENB Veggie Bites and Veggie Sticks and My Impulse Vegan Salad

For the last couple of years, we have been doing Veganuary and, in my case, I eat mostly vegan the majority…

29 January 2021

Mumbai Ice Halwa made in Microwave

Mumbai Ice halwa is also called Bombay halwa or suko halwo too.  Years ago tins of Bombay Halwa,  made by…

4 November 2020

Traditional Shrikand- A sweet dish made with yogurt and sugar

SHRIKAND is a sweet dish always served chilled.   It can be served with pooris.  Most Gujarati thalis have this…

23 September 2020

Sweet Boondi (An Indian sweet)

Sweet Boondi/Bundi is one of my favourite Indian sweets.  I prefer them to Boondi Ladoos which are one of the…

16 August 2020

Saffron Penda (Indian dessert using milk powder)

The Indian month of Shravan has lots of Indian celebrations- a couple of them are Raksha bandhan and Janmastami.  And…

9 August 2020

Nutty Energy ladoos/ balls with Dates

The inspiration for these energy balls were from watching an Instagram live session by A friend Nayna Kanabar whose Instagram…

31 May 2020