
Quick and Nutritious Salad Recipes

Eating well doesn't have to be time-consuming or complicated. These five salad recipes are your ticket to a quick, nutritious…

27 March 2024

How to Make Sure You’re Getting the Right Type of Plant Proteins

Some people may worry about getting enough protein on a plant-based diet, especially if they are active or otherwise have…

30 May 2023

Kale and Orange Juice with Ginger

At the start of Covid, I started making Fresh juices from whatever fruit we had.  Our favourite is fresh orange…

27 December 2022

Potato Salad

Who doesn't love the potato salad served as a side at home or in restaurants?    We all tend to…

10 December 2022

5 Vegetarian Finger Foods you have to try

Cutting out the meat does not mean skimping out on flavour, and these six vegetarian finger foods can definitely prove…

9 May 2022

Fun Vegetarian Snack Ideas

If you are planning a gaming night, why not select from the following six snacks to complete the fun? Some…

2 May 2022

Broccoli and Apple Salad with Creme Fraiche Dressing

Now that the weather is getting warmer, people will start to have make and eat more salads. What salads, raitas…

14 March 2021

ZENB Veggie Bites and Veggie Sticks and My Impulse Vegan Salad

For the last couple of years, we have been doing Veganuary and, in my case, I eat mostly vegan the majority…

29 January 2021

Banana Raita (Kele ka raita)

Our meals are never complete if we do not have raita, pickles or papads as  our side dishes. Raita's get…

27 August 2020

Spicy Couscous with Fruit, Veg and Kidney beans

Looking for a simple and quick lunch idea? Try couscous with chickpeas, with black eyes peas and now kidney beans. …

26 August 2020