Overnight Oats with fruit

How often have you skipped breakfast because you didn’t have time? How often have you picked up an unhealthy breakfast on your way to work because you didn’t have time for breakfast?  With overnight oats Read More …

Aubergine and Kale curry

Januaryu flew by and  I managed to complete Veganuary.   And did I celebrate?  Not really, I have now got used to enjoying vegan food and will continue to remain vegan as long as I can Read More …

Veganuary – More than just a trend: the rise of veganism

In recent years, the word ‘vegan’ has skyrocketed from a relatively rare dietary choice to a popular lifestyle choice for many. And no wonder — the vegan diet has claims ranging from sheer health benefits Read More …

Bhel Boats using Soft Tacos

Have you tried these  vegan soft tacos ?  These boats are  extra soft and its boat-shaped tortillas can  holdany of your tasty fillings in at every bite.    My son usually buys them to serve chili Read More …

Veganuary Journey and some ready meal reviews and my TV debut

For me early morning is the best time  to relax and think of new ideas, my day ahead and also remember all the  friends and family who have touched my life in some way.  I Read More …

Veganuary Journey – Tofu and Peas Vegan Curry (Mutter Tofu)

Christmas holidays have been a fun time for me as the children have been home. I always love it when they request their favourite meals. So my younger son wanted to eat mutter paneer (peas and paneer) I had to look for a vegan substitute for my older son who is a vegan. He suggested that we use tofu instead of paneer for curry and together we developed this recipe. Read More …