Vegan Tempeh Sandwiches and Toasties

  Doing Veganuary 2020 is introducing me to new ingredients. Tempeh is one of them. Being a food blogger – I had heard of tempeh but never cooked with it. It was my son who Read More …

Pooris or Puris? Soft or crispy? plain or spicy?

Puri/poori is often Sunday breakfast for me as it’s so quick to make.  It’s a dish my mum managed to make quickly when we had unexpected guests.  Most of you know that for us Indians Read More …

Multigrain Crispy Bhakhris

Bhakris are a type of Indian bread which is crispy and  slightly salty and can be eaten with any curry. It’s  ften served with  a curry (Mung Beans Curry shown above) and  khichedi.   I Read More …